Thursday, October 28, 2010


When i was younger I always looked forward to going to a stranger's house and getting candy.  Back then I would choose to dress up as something/someone that I'd like to be.  A ninja, for example, would be freaking sweet; so for Halloween one year, I went as a ninja.  Now that I am older, my mother will not let me go trick-or-treating because I'm "too old."  So instead I have to go to a party.  These parties consist of dressing up as the most funny/inappropriate thing I can think of.  For girls, the objective is to dress as promiscuous as possible.  With that said, I have no idea what the purpose of Halloween is any more.  Now that I am an adult, I don't see any reason to be one of the strangers that gives out candy.  I am proposing a new idea for Halloween for my generation.  Instead of passing out candy to ungrateful kids, I say we go watch a movie or something.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Research Process

In my english class I am grouped with Tyler and Jake to choose a controversial topic to write a paper on.  In class we discussed a few ides, but eventually became stuck on one.  The first idea was Tyler's interest in writing about where sexy went.  Justin Timberlake's song says, "I'm bringing sexy back," but Tyler -and the rest of us - realized that sexy never left.  For the purpose of our college level english class, however, we realized this would not be a very "scholarly" topic.
The topic we spent the most time one was cyber bullying.  We talked about real-life examples of this, and we discussed the harms it can have on others.  I showed my group a site called college ACB where students blog within their specific college forum.  The blog, at least at Ball State, is the epitome of cyber bullying.  There are whole blogs that are dedicated to bullying single students, where people post their dislikes about someone.  I think this could be a good source to use if we choose to pursue this topic.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Air Jam

Tonight I went to my first Air Jam event.  I went to the event with my fraternity ATO.  I had an amazing night and I met a lot of cool people.  We sat near the front row with the Phi Mu sorority behind us.  I think that for a first time attendance, our position was pretty solid.  I got to see a lot of amazing performances.  In all honesty, I couldn't make out the names from the speaker, but there were many performances from independent groups that were stunning.  After Air Jam they announced the homecoming court.  John, a member of my fraternity, won homecoming king, and it topped off the whole experience.  For anyone that is considering Air Jam next year, I highly recommend it; for sure the best college experience so far.