Yesterday it snowed for the first time. It happened to occur on the same morning that I did not sleep through (my first college all-nighter). With that, I got to watch the snow slowly collect on the ground from my dorm window. I was pissed.
The next day everyone's facebook status was "Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow" or "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas." Screw that. I HATE the cold. And I cannot stand it when people say "I love the cold." Why!? The cold literally hurts. Have you ever been hit in the nose when it is cold? You literally cry; instantly. Your fingers and toes are your worst enemy. It is the most common, consistent, and uncomfortable pain EVER. The snow is an indefinite sign that winter is here. Winter is an indefinite sign that the cold is here. The only good things about this time: my birthday is in 4 days, and Christmas is in 23.
On a more selfish note... Do people even party during the winter? I cannot imagine walking to a party in 15 degree weather. Is it worth it? Also, fashion and I have no relationship in the winter. I do not purchase winter clothes because I like to pretend it does not exist. I do not own boots, my coat is older than me (literally from the 80's - especially the design), and my hats and gloves were just taken from the winter accessories shelf in my house. . . I have not once picked them out.
In summary: I am going to die. It is has begun my winter nightmare all over again.