Thursday, November 18, 2010

Water On the Knee

Water on the knee is something I had only heard of in the game Operation.  I never knew what it was until recently.  Sunday night I was messing around while playing soccer and kicking the ball as hard as I could on goal every time it would roll at me.  Eventually I felt an arthritis-type pain that reminded me of what I imagined tennis elbow to feel like.  I remember sarcastically wondering if there were a suck thing as "kicker's knee."
On Monday I played soccer for 2 hours with no problems.  Tuesday night I didn't play soccer, but I played in the fraternity basketball game.  Yesterday (Wednesday) night, I was playing soccer and started to feel a pain randomly.  I don't remember anything specifically happening; I just remember running around not really being active on the ball.  After winning another pick-up game I paused to bend my knees and noticed a lot of pain.  I continued playing, and after we won another game I did the same thing.  The second time i noticed a huge lump forming every time i bent down.  I thought it was a bone, and I thought i may have fractured something, or maybe that bone just always sticks out and I've never noticed it.  I continued playing and I made a run in to the box.  All of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain and without hesitation, I immediately limped off the field.  I pressed in on the lump, and it wasn't a bone.  It was like a squishy button on my knee.  I was with a few of my fraternity brothers, and one said it was just a build up of fluid in my knee.
The pain got worse and worse throughout the night.  Eventually the pain became so bad that I could not move it at all.  If my knee bent in the slightest, the pain was unbearable.  I google'd "fluid in the knee" and I got a lot of hits with "water on the knee."  I began researching water on the knee and I matched all the symptoms.  I iced and elevated for 3 hours, but the pain never stopped.  Before I went to bed, my neighbor across the hall was in my room and was shocked when he looked at my knee.  I looked down and saw that my injured knee was easily twice the size as the other.  Today the pain has not gone down any, and I am going to the health center to get it checked out.  I have two championship soccer games this Sunday, and I am worried I may not be able to make them.  Not cool.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Lately I have been unable to play pick-up soccer because of my brotherhood week with ATO.  Brotherhood week is something we decided to due that involves an activity every night to build stronger relationships in the fraternity.  Normally the drought of pick-up soccer would be unbearable for me.  However, we have started intramurals for the winter sports.  Sunday night we had our first indoor soccer game for the tournament (not the league).  We played Sig Nu in the fraternity bracket and won 6-1.  I had three goals and three assists.  Monday night I did not attend the brotherhood event, nor did I play any sports because of other commitments.  Tuesday night was the first night of the Men's indoor soccer bracket.  My team played a team that consisted of my fraternity's president, and three other members.  We won that game 5-0; I scored two goals in that game.  Tonight is the second night of the Men's league and we play a very good team.  My next intramural game will be in the Fraternity league against SigEp on Friday or Sunday (I don't quite remember).  I also just signed up for a 2 v 2 walleyball tournament, so I am excited about that as well.  I think intramurals are going to be a great way for me to cope with the winter, AKA the worst season in the entire world, ever!